On May 26, 2005, at 1:00 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:

Glen Ezkovich wrote:

Since documentation is best gathered in a CMS, because there will likely (hopefully) be more than one person working on it, this inevitably means that everyone should use THAT CMS to avoid scattering documentation all over the place (wiki, website, mailing list, blogs, own websites etc).

I don't think a CMS will alleviate this problem. Wikies, websites, mailing lists, blogs etc. are the most suitable places for some forms of documentation. A CMS will allow the fromal Cocoon community to better manage the content which it owns.

I am in agreement with you both. We want to encourage a single place to edit documentations. However, the reality is that valuable content appears in many different places.

It is for this very reason that I encourage the use of Forrest as the publishing engine for Cocoon docs (as is currently the case). Forrest can integrate content from many different sources into a single seemless publication.

As for the "human element" of the workflow process that is the main topic of this part of a rather meandering thread. That has been discussed to death (see a recent mail I sent to this list with links to many of the proposals). We need to implement something not talk, there is enough overlap in all the different proposals to make it possible to proceed. Let get on with it.

I'm tired of the discussion about tool vs. people. We need people to write docs, we need tools to help them write docs.

It is not an either or argument, why are people so polarised?

I don't think we're polarized. I just think we each emphasis different elements. We need to realize that one without the other is not going to work. I think we do but we each express our point of to ensure that it is not forgotten. I for one am ready to start to tackle the human element. There are two paths I can take, alone or in collaboration with others. I prefer the second option but I will go it alone if necessary. It is a long term itch and I need to scratch it.

I will put forward my intial vision of the future soon. Comments will be greatly appreciated and given due consideration. Hopefully the community can come to a consensus on direction, and we can work on achieving that.

In the realm of documentation, content and organization are king and prime minister.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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