On May 26, 2005, at 3:05 PM, Linden H van der (MI) wrote:

Glen and Ross,

Before duplicating my thoughts in similar replies I want to state this
(replies in random order):

I work in a university department, doing research, so I'm fully aware
what it takes to go through the process of putting an idea in writing
until the moment it is accepted for publication (and by that I mean the
final stage where it should be handed in camera-ready).

I do agree with you on that Glen. Reading your explanation made me
realise I wrote about the CMS as the actor while I meant the persons
using the functionality of the CMS, which is what you wrote. Sorry about
the confusion, but in essence we meant the same.

I had no doubt. I think its a bit of the academic left in me that pursues these pseudo arguments hoping to bring a bit of clarity. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


Re the general TOC: I have started one about a year ago in the wiki. The
idea was NOT that it would be the ultimate TOC but merely a sort of
catalog of what information is/was available and what is missing. I've
seen other attempts since then with equally valid separations. I would
suggest that you Glen, since you offered it, will have a look at all of
them, from a content POV, not tools POV, and either pick the most
suitable or merge the best from every ideas into something workable. As Steven has already pointed out: navigation in Daisy can be done/ ordered
through queries so anything is possible. And Ross already pointed out
that in Forrest a new/other kind of navigation is also feasible.

I will do do this. I've seen some stuff on the wiki and I have seen most mail messages on the subject. If you know of any documents that I should check out please let me know.

Yes it will be a giant task and I'm sure it will not be finished by
those that have started it. The only thing I hope/want to accomplish is to create enough documentation that it becomes noticed and attracks more

Let's keep the plan as simple as possible so that the actual writing
gets the most attention. Besides, plans have a tendency to change, so
KISS is in order.

Agreed. Enough talk, its time for action. If I've learned one thing its to plan for change, its inevitable.

My weekends are horribly crammed with household chores, kids and family,
but I'll see what I can do.

Sounds like every day here. Enjoy the kids and family as they do the chores. ;-)

Have a good weekend.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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