Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Don't want to rain on the party, but this is *summer* of code, meaning 2 months of work[2]. Expecting students to implement difficult things (e.g. continuations serialization)

After skim reading the project proposals of other Apache projects and the other OS projects I disagree that the level of continuations serialization and the attribute based template engine is too high. 2 months of work means (at least in Austria) 640 hours work time which is a lot. Of course, if you have to learn Java first, the time won't be enough. And don't forget, IIRC it was a student who founded our beloved Cocoon ;-)

From my personal experience over the last years I'm sure that there are many clever students out there who are definitly able to implement the difficult topics like Rhino scope and continuations serialization but they haven't had the itch to scratch. $4500 could change their minds ;-).

And not to forget, continuation serialization in particular, is probably more a Rhino topic than Cocoon topic. If the students get the serialization of Rhino scopes and continuations working, we can tackle *together* the very Cocoon-specific topics like Avalon components and the service manager.

In the worst case nobody will apply for the topic which would mean that sooner or later we will have to do it ourselves ;-)

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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