On Jun 20, 2005, at 11:42 PM, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

BTW, why do you prefer v2 rather than v1?

Honestly I can't remember ATM... :-)

I switched a long time ago because (a) I was under the impression that v2 was where the form API was headed, and (b) more importantly, there were specific things that I could do in v2 and not in v1. I think the the clincher had to do with actions, and being able to access something or other from within the action callback, or something. Like I said, I switched long enough ago that I can't remember now in terms of "can't do that in v1" things.

I'm actually using a custom extension to Form that encapsulates a standard usage model that I've settled on, mostly naming and locations of things. And I based that on v2, so for the time being I've stuck myself with it :-)


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