Ugo Cei wrote:

Let's assume I have a Person class:

public class Person {
  public String getFirstname();
  public String getLastname();
  public Address getAddress();

and an Address class:

public class Address {
  public String getStreet();
  public String getTown();

I am building a form interface for editing a Person, with this binding:

<fb:value id="street" path="address/street"/>

Now, when trying to save the form, JXPath will do a jxpathContext.createPathAndSetValue which will fail because person.getAddress() is null and the JXPath context doesn't know how to create an Address.

I could work around this problem by making sure person.address is not null before loading it into the form, but I don't like this solution. A better option, maybe, would be setting a factory on the context, like is shown here: guide.html#Creating%20Objects

My problem is: where do I set this factory in CForms, assuming this is possible at all?

Currently, it is not possible.

The solution would be to allow each JXPath binding to have its own factory class. This can be easily implented by adding support for a "factory" attribute in JXPathBindingBuilderBase.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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