Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Torsten Schlabach wrote:

From the other answers I get the impression that there is a number of
people on the Cocoon project who are not aware of the process for the
Cocoon site. So maybe someone can find out and document it.

Needs some editing re CVS vs SVN, and cocoon-2.2 is not covered, but basics are there.

Thanks for updating the page Vadim.

However, there is a more fundamental problem about the documentation: we know what we want in the end (fabulous documentation on the website) and what we have now (documentation of various quality scattered over several places), but what to do in the mean time?

Holidays have surely erased much of my memory ;-), so I'm trying again to clarify things for myself. Do please chip in and correct me if I'm wrong. I've looked through the archives and tried to retrieve what was generally agreed on:

Current state:
documentation of varying quality in wiki, Daisy on Cocoon zone, website and java docs.

End result:
extensive, coherent, up-to-date documentation of excellent quality at the website. Note: I'm not sure whether will be the "official cocoon documentation location" or the Daisy repository, but that's a discussion that can be held much later in time.

In between we need to build one documentation repository and AFAIR we decided on Daisy on the cocoon zone. To me this means that ALL (yes ALL) documentation pages need to be moved there, after a reviewing process.

Bruno has helped out here by moving the doc pages from SVN BRANCHE 2.X to a separate collection in Daisy. The "only" thing to be done now is review these pages and move them to the actual documentation set. Since then (June 17) some time has passed, so I will figure out what changes have been done to the doc pages in SVN since then and incorporate them into the Daisy version. I'll assume that updated pages are worth keeping, so I'll also move them over to the "current" documentation collection in Daisy.

- If you want to help, start by checking pages in the "legacy docs" collection in Daisy and move them to the regular collection.
- Stop updating/adding doc pages in SVN.

Once this is done, someone (Ross?, Reinhard?) could extract the information and update for the time being.

Bye, Helma

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