The ordering issues are fairly simple to describe. I can't make XSLT
do what I want. Most likely because I'm not too familiar with it. I
have snippets (many of them) in a file with attributes of key, type,
and name. I'd like to order them by type first which I've done. The
snippets that have the same name attribute, however, are related to
each other and should be ordered adjacent to each other. I can't see
how to get each (<snippet name="XXX">) with the same name attribute to
stick together without knowing the name attributes I'm interested in
beforehand. (look at ordering-neutral.xsl)


without having looked at your code, in XSL you can do a sort:

<xsl:for-each select="//snippet">
   <xsl:sort select="@myattribute"/>
   <xsl:sort select="@mysubsortattribute"/>

Have you tried replacing '@myattribute' with '@*'?

I cannot test it right now, so I have no idea if this is going to work, but it's just an idea.

Bye, Helma

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