Thomas Lutz wrote:

Hi list !

A recent discussion on the users list [1] showed that there is interest in implementing a minimum/maximum number of rows check in CForm's repeaters.

Jorg Heymans submitted a patch to bugzilla [2], that adds the minimum-size and maximum-size attributes to the repeaters definition, and contains a sample on disabling the controls with jx macros...

To complete this feature validation should be added. So, if the current size is lower or greater than the specified values, a validation message should be displayed, and the add-row or remove-row buttons should be disabled.

Now the question for the CForm gurus :-):

What's the best way to do it ?

We've found two scenarios so far:
-try to add the validation in the validate function of and disable the controls in -write a validator class (like the ones described in [3]), set a flag, and leave enabling/disabling of the controls to the presentation layer (the forms-field-styling.xsl, or jx macros..?)

I'll try to implement it, but some advice where to start, and what to touch would really be great, as am I still a CForms greenhorn :-).

Hmm... There are different issues here:

We can extend the <fd:range> or <fd:value-count> validators so that they can validate a repeater. But the issue then is that a repeater has no way to automatically display its error, and therefore it's up the template writer not to forget to add a <ft:validation-error> somewhere.

Enabling/disabling controls:
This is different from validation, as the controls must be disabled to ensure that we don't go outside of the specified constraints. This cannot be implemented as a validator (which is called too late in the process), and requires the concept of min and max rows to be built into the repeater itself.

I would go for this second solution, as it provides a better user experience (you can't do the action, rather than having to correct it afterwards), but this requires some changes to the repeater code:
- add min-rows/max-rows properties
- add support for repeater listeners, so that repeater-actions and row-actions can register themselves on the repeater and automatically change their state according to the size of the repeater.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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