> I think you should convince our more CTO-ish type of 
> committers that even if they are so overwhelmed and busy 
> these days, it's probably good for their business and 
> cocoon's in general, if we show off a little more what we 
> achieved. More real life case studies and serious stuff can 
> bring a lot of solidity to the question "why should I use 
> this stuff?" 
> that CTO/CIOs ask.

I hear the call. I'll chat to Gianugo/Massimo etc. about what we may be able
to write up.

> Not sure there is enough traction for an entire column on 
> cocoon, but we might well ask, a lot of people in O'Reilly 
> have good respect for Cocoon.

I will be at EuroOSCON next week and will see what may be possible to raise
the awareness for Cocoon over at O'Reilly. Actually it is a pity no-one
submitted a Cocoon talk for that. I will be using Cocoon in my Open Source
business session - so at least there will be a little plug at CxO level.


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