Le 11 oct. 05, à 10:25, hepabolu a écrit :

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

How about doing a "bug amnesty" as follows?

As already said by others, I too am not fond of a "bug amnesty"....

...I know this means a lot of work, and takes certainly a lot more effort than simply "expire", but it really shows the user community that we care and actually _USE_ their contributions...

Ok, I've marked my calendar and will come back with my amnesty proposal around the end of November, unless things have significantly improved in the meantime.

Doing an amnesty would *not* mean that we don't care about the bugs, quite the contrary: we care enough about them to setup a quick an efficient process to find out which ones really need our attention.

But if you think we have enough collective energy and manpower to sort them manually, all the better. Let's see if it actually happens!


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