Le 12 oct. 05, à 15:34, hepabolu a écrit :

...Fine by me, but in the wiki page you say something along the lines "if you don't respond, the state stays WONTFIX", which in effect means you have to mark all bugs for "WONTFIX"...

Yes, using the "change several bugs at once" means we have to set all to the same status. The BUGZILLA_CLEANUP_2005_10 marker in the comments allows us to select those bugs easily if needed later.

...However, I don't think you should include all bugs, only the older ones, e.g. don't include those added in September and October. I still think that will give users/contributors the wrong idea...

ok, fine.

...Suggested deadline: 3 weeks from the date of the change.

ok - let's wait a bit to see if there are other opinions, if not I think we need a vote before actually doing it.


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