Hi all,

A few days ago, I raised some concerns [1] about the Scriptaculous JavaScript library which we started to use in the Ajax block, because of modifications made to JavaScript base classes made by the underlying Prototype library on which it is based.

I had no satisfying answer on the Scriptaculous mailing-list, and removing the base classes extensions in Prototype would mean rewriting a lot of things in Scriptaculous and is thus very unlikely to happen. Furthermore, I also wanted to use the Sortable [2] class for CForms repeaters, but had to make important modifications to the class itself for this to work with CForms because the conventions used are different.

Considering this, I decided that Scriptaculous was a wrong choice and looked to other alternatives.

The most promising so far is the Dojo Toolkit [3] :
- it has a very cool "load on demand" feature that allows to have only bootstrap <script> tags in the page, and then load other scripts when they are needed using "require('foo.bar.baz')". A must have in Cocoon where each block may bring its own client-side scripts. Also in CForms where you do not want e.g. to have htmlarea and calendar loaded in all pages if not used in these pages. - it is not only about cool effects: it provides a number of data structures, can use iframes when xmlhttprequest is not present, tackles the browser history problem in Ajax apps, etc. - its development is community-driven, even if the original creator plays the "benevolent dictator" - it has an interesting test system that uses Rhino, and the ability to assemble and compress a number of files in a single one to speedup things in production.

The current drawback of Dojo is that the all the spiffy effects are there (and more [4]), but lack a close integration with background page update. But that should be a couple of classes.

All this to say that before making a choice for a client-side JS library that more and more blocks are likely to use with the progression of Ajax needs, we need to take a bit of time to find the pros and cons of the various alternatives.

As 2.1.8 will be released soon, I will rollback changes to the CForms JS library so that is uses the little home-grown stuff I wrote back in July. I will also remove the Ajax examples that rely on Scriptaculous (sorry Jeremy!), which will be reinstalled once we've taken the time to make a choice.



[1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=112921787207346&w=2
[2] http://script.aculo.us/demos/ajax/sortable_elements
[3] http://dojotoolkit.org/
[4] http://dojotoolkit.org/~alex/dojo/trunk/tests/widget/test_FisheyeList.html

Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://people.apache.org/~sylvain     http://www.anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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