Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

> Some of our blocks have become rather large and would probably better be
> split into smaller blocks. The portal is one example. With the separate
> Ajax block CForms have in one sense allready been splitted, it might be
> a good idea to split it further. For the core we have allready discussed
> the need if splitting it into smaller parts. There are several blocks
> with things that probably not are used together. The databases block
> consist of several different ways to achieve similar tasks: ESQL, a
> module and action based approach and the SQLTransformer. It would IMO be
> better to split it in more focused blocks.
> In general I think block need to be rather small and focused to be
> really reusable. So I would assume that we are going to have a even
> larger amount of blocks than we have today. Higher level tools might be
> great but I think we need some internal organization as well to keep it
> managable.

I can see where you're going with this, but sometimes a block doesn't
really want or intend to be reusable in terms of code. It just wants to
be used as is by the end-user.

> Furthermore we really need some kind of incubation process for new
> blocks. Today anybody can just add a block, but we all are supposed to
> be responsible for them. We need to make the process more formal.

+1 , something like

Again : with maven, we don't need to have a block in our SVN repository
to have it available at compile, build, or runtime. Let's keep this in mind.


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