Antonio Gallardo wrote:
Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 04.11.2005 02:09, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Yep. The "." and "/" are already checked in AbstractWidgetDefinition.setCommonProperties(). We just need to add ":".

Why we need to use a symbol at any cost ? Can we use a simple word prefix? As cform-[widgetID]?

If you prefix the widget id with a simple word (your proposal) or suffix it with another one (Sylvain's way), with both you have to care about the validness of user-chosen ids. To check them easily you use the unique separator.

Agreed. I think checking a prefix is often faster than checking a suffix in a string. On the other side a prefix can rest code readibility. IMHO, the first is better for generated (X)HTML code.

The suffix is also ok. The problem was that a "-input" suffix is too generic and seems to broke some javascript code somewhere. ajax is the main reason for change? If yes, then we can use "-cf-input" as the suffix or something like that.

You missed the essence of the problem: if you add a suffix that makes the generated id a valid widget name, then you have the possibility for someone to write a form definition where there is a widget that has the same name than the generated id, then leading to conflicts in the page. That's why I proposed a character that isn't allowed in widget names. That way, there is *no* possibility for conflicting ids.

I am just afraid of adding a ":" in the name. Maybe does not make sense. Here are some points:

1-It can breaks compatibility somewhere. As sample, all browsers claims to support CSS standards. The point is at wich level and how they interpret the word "support".

The ":" has been a valid character for ID in HTML and XML for years:

The CSS specification says how to use '\' to escape special characters:

So writing a CSS rule for the input of widget "foo" should be "#foo\:input { .... }"

However, f*cking IE goes in the way, and although it properly escapes '.' (used for container widgets), it is the only one among the 4 browsers I tested that doesn't understand '\:'. That means that the '\3A' unicode escape sequence must be used.

To test thoroughly with containers and Ajax, I added the following to datasource_chooser_template.xml:
 <style type="text/css">
   #name { background: #00FF00 }
   #name\3Ainput { background: #FF0000 }
   #datasource\.SQL\.login { background: #00FF00 }
   #datasource\.SQL\.login\3Ainput { background: #FF0000 }

This works in IE 6, Firefox 1.5rc1, Safari 2.0, Opera 8.5.

I also added
<a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('datasource.SQL.login:input').value = 'Yeah'; return false">Yeah</a>

Works like a charm in all tested browsers.

Now the question is: do you find the \3A quirk to be a blocking issue?

It seems to me that more often inputs in a form will be styled using classes, so as all inputs share the same styling rule. Also, a way to avoid the quirk is to use the ancestor selector, which works in all tested browsers:
 #datasource\.SQL\.login input { background: #FF0000 }

2-Being in a xpath 1.0 namespace nightmare for months. I am not sure if suddenly somebody will need to give a meaning to the ":". I know it is very remote, but...

There's no XPath construct that expects an ID as a litteral. They're always used as string: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"bar:baz"] or id("bar:baz")


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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