On Nov 6, 2005, at 4:13 PM, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:
* Sylvain Wallez:

The  main  point  being  that   this  rule  *must*  ensure  that
generated IDs  can never conflict  with widget full  names (e.g.
"foo.bar-input"  would potentially  conflict with  a "bar-input"
widget sibling of "bar").

Then why don't  you use a « reserved » keyword  inbetween, such as
« bar-___reserved_cforms_input___ »?

Because I'm concerned by the length of these generated IDs that will clutter up the page.

I understand this concern but in general I think distinguishing between auto generated names (ids) and author generated names is a good idea. A convention for auto generated names is to begin them with "_". In this case it can conflick with auto-generated widget names. A simple convention for naming in this case could be simply to use something along the lines of foo.bar._cfInput or, since this likely will step on some widget names, foo.bar._agInput (ag for auto- generated). A concern here is that root of the ID is somewhat obscured. An alternative naming would be along the lines of foo.bar.cf_input. While not following the more general convention it comes close. (I'm sure someone will confuse it for a column name ;-).)

While there remains clutter it is significantly reduced to 3 characters per id. A minimal amount considering the clarity it brings.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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