Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> hepabolu wrote:
> > > -/changes.html
> >
> >This is so outdated (see that I 
> >would be ashamed to put it up again. So it's missing from Daisy (also 
> >because it's toplevel) and therefore from forrest.zones.

Not correct, please read the other recent threads about this.

> This is generated from status.xml 
> (, same as todo.html.

The reason that that page appears to be "outdated"
is that no committers have found the wherewithall
to update the website since the last release.
These pages are generated, so if no-one does it
then it doesn't happen.

As i said in another thread there are hundreds of
new entries recorded in the status.xml file.

As i said in another thread i am still trying to
find new ways to generate that since the old
Cocoon-2.1 docs build is now broken.


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