Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
K.Bertram wrote:

Hi Carsten

with 2 divs in the top it got no background in the header at mozilla so this was an workaround for both IE and Moz. So if you read my mail carfully it was the the first draft of the div version. ;)

Yes, I know :)

At this my battery go down and had no time at the weekend for making a newer one. :(
If you wish I can can take an eye on it this week in the afternoon.

. Helma has already done a new layout - so before you step on each
others toes, I think, the best approach is if you coordinate your work
with Helma's.


Just wrapped up the other one I mentioned.

I used the same files as I did for the other one, but made some minor

- added <a href="#"></a> to the selected tab.
- moved the icons out of the coplet-title.
- added an extra <div class="innerbox"> just below <div class="coplet">
and <div class="coplet-borderless"> (the latter just to keep them
- checked in Safari, FF-OSX, FF-Win, IE6.

Minor issues:
- the picture used for the shadow (found on internet) was deviced for
800px width, but since the portal has a liquid layout (i.e. resizes with
the screen), a coplet can grow beyond that. I haven't quite figured out
how to extend the picture (using png alpha blending). TBD
- the picture used for the bars needs to be brushed up to "shine" more
and give a more 3d illusion. I'm no expert in this.


Bye, Helma

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