Jorg Heymans wrote:
> Upayavira wrote:
>>>What about using it to build a neat installer for Cocoon?
>>Could it handle the dependency resolution bit? That's the callenging bit.
> We should keep installation and deployment separate.
> I have nothing against tools that unpack and install core cocoon into a
> specified dir, maybe even add desktop shortcuts for starting/stopping
> etc. Deployment however should be handled in a different tool, separate
> from the installer.
> I expect maven to handle most of the tricky stuff like the dependency
> resolution, we should just hand it a pom and off it goes.

It depends which version you are talking about 2.1 or 2.2. If we're
talking 2.2, then yes, Maven will do a lot of it. If we're talking 2.1
then no, Maven won't do any. In fact, we already have some code in the
whiteboard that can do the necessary dependency resolution with 2.1
blocks (see

With 2.1, the installer would need to do dependency resolution and a
build - without this, it would be hardly worth having.

So, the question to Sylvain would be: what version did you have in mind?

Regards, Upayavira

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