I asked something similar in the users list some time ago but got no response, so you’re my last chance ;)


As usual we’re storing information in the AuthenticationContext. So far this information has been written on disk with every request processed by the server.


Due to several reasons we’ve decided to just write it to a file everytime the user logs out OR the session times out. Thus it is not sufficient to add the method to the logout matcher, because the data will be lost if the user just closes is browser.


I decided to use an HTTPSessionListener which I added to Cocoon’s web.xml. This works fine so far, but it only allows me to retrieve the user’s HTTPSession in the method sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event). From there I can get the the ServletContext, but I see no way to access the AuthenticationContext? Is it accessable at all? I tought one of these should work, but both are null.


        AuthenticationContext authContext = (AuthenticationContext)session.getServletContext().getContext("authentication");

        AuthenticationContext authContext2 = (AuthenticationContext)session.getServletContext().getContext(AuthenticationConstants.SESSION_CONTEXT_NAME)





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