On 11/23/05, Jorg Heymans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:
> >><replaceregexp byline="true">
> >>  <regexp pattern="\*([EMAIL PROTECTED])"/>
> >>  <substitution expression="*"/>
> >>  <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.java"  />
> >></replaceregexp>
> >>
> >>This can't possibly be what we need, as anyone would have done it
> >>faster than me, but anyway, here it goes.
> I'ld say just give it a spin on a checked out copy of trunk, then have a
> look at the diff. It should be fairly easy to spot if things went wrong.
> Now i'm not sure if we wanted to collect all removed authors as well, my
> memory is failing me :( It might make the task a bit more interesting
> though ;)

If you do the diff would give them to you on one nice single spot.... :-)

Peter Hunsberger

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