Matthew Langham wrote:
I really think the current discussions on CocoonReloaded could do with some
higher bandwidth talks to formulate a first "plan". How many Cocoonites will
be at ApacheCon and could perhaps get together? I won't be there but Carsten
is (for example).

Discussing the "plan" via various email-threads doesn't seem to me to be
that effective - at this initial stage - and could eventually lead to
everyone giving up in frustration.

Just a suggestion.

Hey you know, Cocoonistas flock together whenever there in close proximity :-)

So these discussions *will* happen, and of course be reported to the list.

BTW, I started to sketch a proof of concept pull-based pipeline API and will commit it to whiteboard/cong once I've managed to set up a basic file/xslt/html pipeline with some content inspection in the middle.

Yeah, very basic, but we have to learn StAX and what comes with it. Some the reference implementation is at [1] and some interesting utilities at [2].



Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies           
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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