Berin Loritsch wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> In general I agree with this - it makes learning Cocoon internal a
>> little bit easier. But I think the current environment api is not our
>> biggest problem. Anyways, our current Request object has more
>> functionality as the servlet request object, e.g. to get the sitemap
>> prefix and sitemap uri and more important the request attribute handling
>> for internal requests. How can we keep this functionality when switching
>> to the servlet api?
>> And for me the most important question :) What is the suggested
>> timeframe/version for this? Do you want to do this for 2.2? Or for a
>> later version?
>> Carsten
> I would imagine for a leter version.  I'd think it would be too soon.
> We have two implementations of the Cocoon environment abstraction: CLI
> and WebApp.  If we rip out the abstraction now, Forrest would break.  I
> think that alone would push it out a bit.

no, it wouldn't.

The servlet api is itself an abstraction. So what we have is an
abstraction of an abstraction. The suggestion is to scrap this double
abstraction. We could easily have our own CLI implementation of

That is the suggestion.

Regards, Upayavira

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