Carsten Ziegeler skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Look, Cocoons current messiness depends on a large amount of small things. If we not are able to improve these areas one at a time Cocoon will stay as messy as it is.

Sure, but I really think messiness is a very hard work here.

I know, but I'm volonter to do part of it, and think it is possible and desirable to make Cocoon less monolithic.

From a
users perspective (= the average Cocoon developer), most of the
"messiness" is hidden. She does not have to deal with how the tree
processor works, or with implementing an own pipeline etc. All these
interfaces and components should be well hidden to her.

I have heard quite a few users wanting Cocoon to be reusable in parts. But beside that this is mainly a developer question. We are a handfull people who dare to touch the core at all and most of us think it is a pain to develop thing due to monolithic design and hard to understand dependencies. This means that a large part of the developer community feel a much to high threshold to join in improving Cocoon. Also it takes a lot of fun away from us.


But I'm not sure, if this incremental approach is working here.

If we block trying it, we will never know.


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