Le 12 janv. 06, à 22:39, Jorg Heymans a écrit :

...I've setup the continuum server again on the zone [1]...

This shows how much useful stuff the move to Maven brings. /me excited ;-)

Just a nitpick, I noticed that your howto includes the zone password of the maven user, not sure if this is a good idea.

Of course the howto is accessible to ASF committers only, but that's a thousand people...until now we've used "su" to access the various users on the zone, it might be safer.

Alternatively, we can also copy people's ssh keys to ~maven/.ssh to allow them to login. But I don't like having cleartext passwords in SVN.

Again, just a nitpick - thanks for your great work!

I'm just barely keeping up with what's happening currently in 2.2 but it all looks good.


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