Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:

About Maven,

I tried to  mavenize the xmldb block  and I can't get  it to build
because  some  POMs  cannot  be  fetched.   Can  someone  go  into
cocoon-xmldb and try to build?

Also,  I did  not import  the xmldb  samples for  now, I'll  do it
later  when  the  implementation  builds.  So  there  is  still  a
src/blocks/xmldb.  It's half-baked because I had a lot of problems
with Maven:

1) I had to download a snapshot because Maven 2.0.1 does not work
I have no problems with 2.0.1. What specifically doesn't work.

2) I had the error with XSD schema
The cocoon-deployer and cocoon-plugins must be disabled in the top level POM, if you refer to the problem that have been discussed earlier in this thread.

3) Many POMs cannot be retrieved I have to restart build 20 times
The Apache local Maven repositories doesn't work that well, and generates intermitent cannot connect errors, IIRC. The solutions for this is:

1. Help moving artifacts that we use from the Apache repository to the much better and mirrored ibiblio repository, see 2. Reduce the use of snapshot POMs. If you start building all of Cocoon from top level rather than from a specific block, you will use your own snapshots of the needed block instead of those from the snapshot repository. Especially if you change the top level POM or several blocks at once, this might be needed as the snapshot in the repository doesn't contain your latest changes (not completely sure about what policy maven has for downloading snapshots from the networked repositories rather than from your local). 3. Joining the infrastructure group and work for making the snapshot repository more stable ;)
