
I upgraded two webapps from Coccon 2.1.7 to 2.1.8 lately...

And I found this thread intriguing, so I have added the following to one
of my existing JX templates (which is run through a JX generator pipeline,
invoked by flowscript):

      <jx:set var="items" value="alpha,beta,gamma"/>
      <jx:set var="delims" value=","/>
      <jx:set var="mytokenizer" value="${java.util.StringTokenizer(items,
      <jx:forEach var="token" begin="1" end="${mytokenizer.countTokens()}">

The html result:


So, it appears to work fine for flowscript! (Mi spiace, Ugo ;-)
(Don't know about Javaflow, though!)


BTW. the reason I was intrigued is that I'm using similar constructs in
production webapps - which made me wonder why users haven't been
complaining if indeed this feature had stopped working after migrating to
Cocoon 2.1.8 :->

>> ${java.util.StringTokenizer(items, delims)}
> According to my tests, it doesn't work in 2.1.8, regardless of
> whether I use flow or not and whether I prepend "Packages." or not.
> Can anyone else confirm this?