A couple of weeks ago I promised to set up a FAQ system in Daisy. I've now done this.

Creating a FAQ

There is a "FAQ" document Type. This is a simple document in which the document title should be the question and the content should be the answer.

To illustrate things I have copied the "installation faqs" from http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/faq/faq-install.html into individual FAQ documents, for example:


Tagging Faqs

There is an (optional) "tags" field. This can take any number of "tags" for categorisation of the content. These tags can then be used by the Daisy query language to build dynamic FAQs.

To create the Installation FAQ index we use a query such as:

select name
where documentType='FAQ'
 and InCollection('documentation')
 and $Tags='Installation'

Which results in the page at http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/documentation/faq.html

FAQ Reuse

Custom FAQs can be built from multiple FAQ documents by adding relevant tags to the appropriate FAQ entries and building a query such as that above. That is, a single FAQ may appear in more than one FAQ index.

For example, we may have a number of CForm FAQs some of which deal with the XYZ widget, while others deal with different aspects of CForms. Tagging FAQs effectively, say with "CForm" and "XYZ widget", allows us to create a CForm FAQ index which includes all relevant FAQs. At the same time we can use a search on the "XYZ widget" tag to include the relevant FAQs within the documentation for that individual widget.

FAQ Navigation

It is also possible to create dynamic FAQ indexes in the navigation menu, for example, see the FAQs/Installation node (expanded on http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/documentation/faqs/install/799.html )


So, if people like this, we should migrate all FAQs from the legacy docs into this format, as well as including relevant ones from the Wiki.


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