Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> Some time ago the support for per sitemap classloaders has been added to
>> 2.2; this feature is currently disabled (for making the implementation
>> for blocks easier I guess).
>> Now the question is, do we want to support this or is this obsolete when
>> we have the blocks implementation soon? In this case we can simply
>> remove the classpath handling code, I guess.
> yes, you can remove it. Classloading will become a concern of the blocks-fw; 
> though I have no idea how to add the ReloadingClassloader to the OSGi-based 
> blocks-fw as this will probably mean extending the functionality of the OSGi 
> framework that we use. Maybe somebody can pick up this task and find out how 
> this can be done.
And one additional question :) In 2.1.x you can configure extra
classpath in the web.xml; I think we should remove that feature for
blocks-fw as well, right?


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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