Carsten Ziegeler skrev:
David Crossley wrote:

Hi Daniel, sorry i cannot understand that last sentence.
Would you please re-phrase it.

We currently have the three ways:

'forrest run'
Starts its packaged Jetty and uses Forrest/Cocoon as a webapp.

'forrest war'
Builds a projectName.war ready for deployment in a full Jetty
or Tomcat.

'forrest site'
Calls the Cocoon CLI to generate a static set of docs.

I can't speak for Daniel, but my idea/suggestion was to forget about the
different environments and let Cocoon always run in a servlet container.
The CLI would then be kind of a http client which starts up jetty and
then generates the site using http requests. This would simplify some
things in Cocoon, the question is if this would make the life of Forrest
too hard?
In Cocoon today, the Cocoon object that implements the Processor interface is in some way the top level interface against "Cocoon functionality". Then the CocoonServlet and the CLI booth sets up and use the Cocoon object. When creating the blocks fw, Processor didn't work as abstraction as it contains lots of tree processor specifics. So I decided to use the Servlet and javax.servlet.http set of interfaces instead (as discussed on the list a couple of times). This means that the CLI in it current state (working against the Processor interface) doesn't work with the blocks fw. So the CLI needs to be refactored so that it works with a Servlet rather than a Processor.

To some extent this is actually an advantage as the CocoonServlet and the CLI has a lot of overlap and the servlet part has been maintained and developed while the CLI part hasn't. By using Servlet as the "top level" interface of Cocoon the CLI will be much smaller and reuse more of the Servlet work.

Back to your question, my incomprehensible sentence was an answer to something like what Carsten propose above. In many cases I agree with Carsten that it makes most sense to run Cocoon in a full servlet container but in some cases, e.g. testing and for a minimal OSGi setup, it makes IMO sense to have a really light weight and minimal servlet container instead. I have built a such one for creating the servlet environment needed for running a servlet within a block and make it possible for it to communicate with other blocks. It is also used for the block protocol (the block correspondence to the Cocoon protocol). We could reuse part of this for the CLI.

So the current CLI is a minimal command line Processor container, we could have a minimal command line Servlet container instead.



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