Sylvain Wallez wrote:

A question: what language where these books written in: English or
Italian? I'm always amazed to see kids learning to program right after
learning to read. Computers weren't widespread when I was 7 (that was in
1974) and I "only" started at 13, having already some english background.
Surprisingly it was in Italian. Then when i started Logo (a suggestion from a friend of my father when i told him i was doing weird stuff with basic on C64), I asked my father to buy a book on logo, but he took me a book in english, since it was hard to understand it, I asked my father to go back to the bookshop and take a "The same book on logo, but the italian version", and he took me a book about Logo in italian, but unfortunately for the "Italian version of Logo", where all commands were translated ... "FW" was translated in "AV", "RT" in "DS" etc .. :)

My personal suggestion is to try to go for english, since it would improve both english and technical skills at once, but since a foreign language is often hard to approach, maybe starting with something simple and "child-friendly" (like Logo was, today what?) in native language can give the child the right interest and movivation to try an english book later.

Eh, welcome aboard Simone!


Simone Gianni

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