Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> Now I think that per sitemap configuration and even per sitemap class
>> loading are key features of 2.2. I see no need to deprecate them or
>> something like this. 
> With Cocoon 3.0 and applications that are really split into blocks, we should 
> only support one way of application modularization

> and I agree with Daniel that
> this should be at the block level. 
Totally agree.

> But things like this don't need to be decided today.
>> With 2.2 you include your component configs from
>> the sitemap and you define your classpath in the sitemap. With real
>> blocks there are only minimal changes as you just have to remove the
>> include and the classpath definition from your sitemap and but these
>> somewhere in the block config - and that's it. Your configuration of
>> your components stays the same.
> right except that each block already has it's own classloader (remember, OSGi 
> ;-) ...).
Yes, that was actually what I meant :)
Cocoon 2.2: Configuration at sitemap level (Includes)
Cocoon 3.0: Configuration at block level
Hopefully you can use the same configuration files for both versions, so
only the includes are at a different location.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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