> I still stand with my -1 vote. I don't want to be attacked personally
> for it. Sorry for it, but we don't agree here.
In that case I think it is time to put this discussion to rest. It
sounds like we have consensus for servlet 2.4 but not for Java 5.

Why does that sound like retroweaver/translater is not an option?

I haven't personally used it for such a huge project yet but obviously
other projects are using it - successfully. For the API differences they
provide a runtime jar btw.

I would rather give that a try than adjusting our project to the speed
of IT departments in large banks or organizations in general.

...and whoever thinks these "little things" don't make a difference in
coding should listen to some of the ruby talks available on the net.
Or even better - play a bit with it.

There is a fine line between getting stuck in legacy and loosing users.
From the feedback we got so far it sounds people are happy with
1.5. If we now can satisfy the legacy with some bytecode magic...

Please, let's do so!


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