On 8/15/06, Ralph Goers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Peter Hunsberger wrote:
> Sorry, in my book that's not a valid reason.
I think it is inappropriate for you to judge whether his reason is valid
or not.

If one does not view a veto as valid then one has to challenge it.  To
do otherwise would not be taking your position as a committer

Furthermore, his veto won't be overturned by such a statement.
Although I agree with your argument below, I'm also not in favor of
questioning someone endlessly about a veto.

Ralph, I'm trying to be fair and ensure that Joerg has a real chance
to make his concerns known and that I'm not missing something.

> Can you give us a reason why being stuck on Cocoon 2.1 is a problem?
> There are still sites running Cocoon 1...  Alternately, can you give
> us something from Cocoon 2.2 that you need to have in order to run
> your business?
> Personally, from my experiences with Websphere I'd say being stuck on
> a back release of Websphere is a far bigger problem than anything
> Cocoon might cause...

Peter Hunsberger

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