
I was updating some jars for cocoon 2.1.0. Qdox[1] version 1.6 was released in August 2006 (we are using now qdox 1.5) and it is distributed only for java 1.5! I know qdox is not the most used block, but it rings a bell!

Cocoon 2.2 is not released and we will start to find such cases more often than what we would like to believe. I mean we will have more compatibility problems with other libraries that will being released for java 1.5. It means we will have serious problems updating, it will be a serious pain updating them. Also, we should take into account that java 1.6 is just around the corner. So I will be glad if given this fact, we should reconsider to set 1.5 as the minimal version for cocoon 2.2.

Another fact: we claim cocoon 2.1 is java 1.3 compatible, but in practice, we have some blocks that don't work with java 1.3. Some of them even break the compilation and the user needs to start excluding this blocks. This is our current situation. Have we plans to repeat this for cocoon 2.2 for 1.4 vs. 1.5 o 1.6?

Given this facts, I ask you: Should we call for a new votation about the minimal java version for cocoon 2.2?


Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

[1] http://qdox.codehaus.org/

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