Looks like my webapp configuration does not fit with the new deploying mechanism. I just copied the new cocoon.xconf in my WEB-INF/cocoon/ dir, thinking that the source factory config was not loaded correctly, but this did not help either.

So what else is needed to use the new configuration apart from having META-INF/cocoon/(avalon|spring) directories in my block? Do I still need to run the cocoon:deploy? What is the minimum requirement for my webapp module that contains the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory with my own web.xml?

Sorry if this was posted on this mailing list already, but I don't find the right information in those long threads discussing the dir structure etc. ;-)


Alexander Klimetschek schrieb:
Reinhard Poetz schrieb:
Alexander Klimetschek wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom schrieb:
blockcontext:/blockname/ - resolves to a file source that contain the COB-INF directory of the block.

What is the blockname? I tried the name of the directory (like previously in /blocks/my-block/ => my-block), a name="my-block" in the bean and the id of the bean as blockname, but all did not work.

have you tried the name set in the manifest?

I have debugged the problem and found that the blockcontext Sourcefactory cannot be looked up in the Avalon ServiceManager. I have a fresh new install of cocoon 2.2 trunk.


Alexander Klimetschek

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