Jeremy Quinn wrote:
Hi All

I am close to finishing an UploadProgressBar Dojo Widget for CForms and am trying to implement i18n status messages.

I have a FlowScript that reads the upload status and sends this as JSON to the UploadProgressBar. I was trying to avoid using JXTemplate for the serialization, instead, I serialize the data (a Map) to JSON in FlowScript and send it using :

    <map:match pattern="send-json">
       <map:read src="module:flow-attr:json" mime-type="text/javascript" />

I was hoping to do i18n lookup in FlowScript using o.a.c.forms.util.I18nMessage but of course it outputs SAX events, not Strings :(

I will either have to switch to using JXT for serialization, or find an alternative i18n lookup mechanism.

Any suggestions anyone ?

I18nMessage does not do lookups: I18nTransformer does.

Now if you want to play I18nTransformer in Flow, you need to lookup catalogue from XMLResourceBundleFactory, and then you can translate the key into String using XMLResourceBundle.getString(key) method. You'll lose any HTML markup which was in the translation, you'll get only message text.


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