Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> Simone Gianni wrote:
>> Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
>>> Make it easy to try it and people will come.
>> I do totally agree. As showed at cocoon-gt, I have a IzPack based
>> installer that already delivers a cocoon dist, with a small gui with
>> three buttons (start server, stop server, open welcome page) that start
>> and stop an embedded jetty loading the dist .war file.
>> It's a matter of a couple of hours to commit it and have it deliver the
>> samples-dist.
> If you can somehow coerce maven :) into building this binary demo in
> the cocoon-dist-samples module [1], that sounds really great. It just
> might perform the role of a binary download [2].
> [1]
> [2]
IzPack has an ant task to generate the installer, and they report on
their site [1] that it has been "fixed for calling the IzPack ANT task
from Maven", so it should be possible to incorporate it in a profile of
a dist, so that calling that profile would generate also the monolithic

As soon as someone else gives it's +1, I'll work on it on Sunday.



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