Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz skrev:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I also had some idea that the shielding stuff seem to be rather orthogonal to the servlet service stuff. So maybe it would be better to reimplement it as an interceptor that is applied before the servlet service proxy.


Becoming even vaguer: could such a shielding classloader interceptor somehow use the reloading classloader from cocoon-rcl?

TBH, I have no idea ATM, but I will look into Alex' work when I make cocoon-rcl ready for a release.

After thinking more about this, I believe that one main distinction is that cocoon-rcl creates an environment which is used at development time. Alex' solution is used in production too, IIUC.

                                      - o -

I would prefer that the ShieldingServlet stuff was implemented as an interceptor and moved into a separate module. Doing so doesn't interfer with our ambitions to use OSGi for further support of modularization in the future. From my experience there should be only one instance that influences the classloader within one application, otherwise you run into troubles very likely.

As I said yesterday, I will have a closer look at it and will hopefully be able to comment on technical details too.

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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