Andrew Savory napisaƂ(a):

> <rant>
> This has been bugging me for a long time. It used to be the case that
> people would do clean compiles against clean copies of Cocoon to make
> sure their changes wouldn't impact others (by causing the build to fail,
> for example). Has the move to Maven stopped this from being possible?
> Are people just not bothered about making sure trunk always builds?
> </rant>
> Should we come up with some sort of 'community guideline' saying that we
> should clear out our maven repository and do a clean build before
> committing? One person having to go through the loop of downloading and
> building everything clean is a small price to pay when you consider how
> many people's time could be wasted otherwise. Or is there something else
> we can do to prevent the continual pain of "BUILD FAILED" ?

I run mvn install with clean (actually, temporary) repository from time to time 
and do not experience problems you outlined. However, I do
not build with -Pallblocks option and that's probably the difference.
>From what I understand, blocks that are built by default are considered those 
>stable (in manner of building) and up-to-date with Maven as a
build system. Blocks that are build only with profile allblocks can make a 
trobule and that's one of the reasons that they are not built by
default. Am I right?

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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