Olivier Billard wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Olivier Billard wrote:

I plug into your thread because I'm right into it : I checked-out the Cocoon ACEGI sample, completed it and tested it, it's great. But I've got trouble with the xweb file : using the block-only rcl webapp, patch is correctly applied, but I would like to make my app security with ACEGI a block (seems promising with ACEGI as a filter and xweb), but such a block included into a webapp block does not triggers web.xml patching when calling "mvn package".

Did I missed something ?

Yes, you have to use the deployer goal ('mvn cocoon:deploy') in order to get your xweb patches applied. The package plugin isn't aware of Cocoon's xweb patching mechanism.

Thank you for your answer Reinhard, I really missed this plugin part, sorry.

This could be continued in the users list if you think this is more suited.
Nevertheless, as this seems to be a bug in the dev version (not released yet), I continue on the dev list for the moment.

This perfectly works with the "deploy" mojo, but not for the "deploy-war" one, with exactly the same configuration. I meet a strange phenomenon, that could possibly be a bug in the cocoon-maven-plugin ? web.xml patch is not applied with the "deploy-war", except after a "deploy" mojo call :). Of course these mojos are not meant to be called one after the other, but this could be a clue for resolution: maybe a context is not properly initialized when "deploy-war" mojo is called alone?

Maven outputs below.


thanks for your investigations. Could you please file a Jira bug report? Thanks!

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

                                       web(log): http://www.poetz.cc

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