On 13.07.2007 20:38, Andrew Stevens wrote:

In our existing 2.1.x app, I got it working by creating a new
JSPEngine implementation that looks up the RequestDispatcher for the
supplied URL and calls include or forward directly on that (instead
of using JSPEngineImplNamedDispatcherInclude to look up "JSP 1.2
Processor" servlet, which I'd been doing on WAS 5.x).

What about Grek's idea? Creating a Cocoon-controlled servlet that does exactly this?

I also had to remove the "*.jsp" servlet mapping from the
Cocoon servlet, so JSPs are now run directly by the container instead
of going through Cocoon first.

I don't get it. How does this match with the above? Why do you need a JSPEngine implementation if Cocoon does not handle the JSP requests anyway?


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