On 17.07.2007 06:08, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

Ok, sorry for implying that. The only alternative is probably to use the shared application context as mentioned in the thread about "interblock communication" [1].

I guess that would mean that each Cocoon block should be a war and have its own web.xml and application context. I'm not certain that it would simplify things.

Didn't we talk about servlets? Why now also the blocks? I only thought
about a solution of Cocoon playing more nicely together with other
frameworks. Even if it is only a thin wrapper registering the servlets
in Cocoon does not make them available as registering them directly in
the servlet container would do it. What for example about applying
servlet filters? Is that to be integrated into servlet service framework
as well?

If they are just servlets, not webapps/wars they have even access to the
application context set up by the ContextLoaderListener and we do not
even need the shared application context.

If you see the need though or just think the current approach is the
better one I'm happy to rely on your evaluation. I also know it's quite
late getting into this topic since probably all has been discussed
repeatedly when I did not follow the list that closely.

With the current servlet service framework I just don't know how to integrate JSPs - what this thread was actually about.

Isn't the standard way of integrating JSP to just call it through a RequestDispatcher that you get from ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(String path)?

I have rarely worked with all that stuff and am not familiar with it.
When reading the corresponding section in the servlet spec it sounds
reasonable though. I only wonder what the downsides of this approach
are. Or: Why was the default implementation JSPEngineImpl [1]
implemented differently (though there is an implementation with the
approach you describe [2])?



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