Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Reinhard Poetz pisze:
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
I'm not sure how to say this but... Guys, there is a lot of to cover by
test in this module and writing tests in trunk is not painful by any
you are right and this particular bug was my fault because I haven't
written any tests yet. However, if you followed my commit messages, you saw
that I was able to enable integration tests for trunk ('mvn install -P it'
from cocoon-webapp runs the tests in cocoon-webapp/src/test/java). My next
step on my todo list is covering the SSF with tests.
Yes I was very happy to see your commits. However, I always thought that it's
first that you write unit tests for covering the most basic functionality and
ITs for testing how different parts interact with each other.
Doesn't it make sense to write a few unit tests first?
:-) yes, I fully agree. However, I wanted to explore the code by writing unit
tests but I failed. Maybe I invested to less time but I came to the conclustion
that it is easier to write integration tests.
What kind of ITs do you plan to write?
I want to test ...
o absolute and relative connections to servlet services
o connecting to blocks using the servlet:/ protocol
o super connections
o accessing information coming from the original request
o error handling
o postable sources
o servlet-service generator/transformer/serializer
Could somebody with admin rights on vmbuild help me with adding the
integration tests to Continuum?
Sure, tell what command exactly is needed to be fired. Is mvn clean install
-P allbocks,it enough?
Reinhard Pötz Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH
Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair [EMAIL PROTECTED]