On Mar 26, 2008, at 14:44, Ralph Goers wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

 Pipeline API  +  java.net.URL   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

Pipeline API + Sourceresolve + XML-SAX components + Sitemap Engine

or maybe you need the full stack that corresponds to Cocoon Core 2.2 - here you are:

Pipeline API + Sourceresolve + HTTP-enabled + Sitemap Engine + Spring

This layered approach makes Cocoon easily embeddable in any Java application and Cocoon's learning curve becomes more gradual.

Is such a situation only appealing to Carsten, Steven and me?

Just lurking but I am with you guys.

Appealing? yes. Actually implementable in Java so that it isn;t even more complicated than what we have? I don't know.

IMO this would simplify a lot as it separates concerns and the inner guts can be used in other projects without the pain of dependencies we have right now. People have been asking for this for years. I really think think this is the right direction.


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