David Crossley wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
David Crossley wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:
A simple scenario could be:

 Pipeline API  +  java.net.URL   +  XML-SAX components

A more advanced scenario could consist of

 Pipeline API  +  Sourceresolve  +  XML-SAX components  +  Sitemap Engine
Is "sourceresolve" where the Apache XML Commons Resolver
is hooked up?
no, I was talking about the Excalibur Sourceresolve component.

Yes, i know. However that might involve the Catalog Entity Resolver too.
This configuration used to be done in Cocoon, then we
moved it to Excalibur so that it would be more widely used.
And now we have a better version back in Cocoon for 2.2 :)


Carsten Ziegeler

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