Reinhard Pötz wrote:
Kamal Bhatt wrote:
Reinhard Pötz wrote:
Kamal wrote:
It occured to me that Cocoon could probably benefit from a Javascript Reader. This JS Reader would do what a normal resource reader would, unless the user specifies a compression-method parameter. If the compression method is supported, then the JS will be compressed. Right now, I think we can only use JSMin[1] or Package[4], as Dojo ShrinkSafe[2] and YUI compressor [3] rely on custom version of Rhino. Packer [4] is written in plain old javascript. JSMin and Packer are open source, but it is not distributed on any Maven repositories that I can see, so we would need to include them in source.

Have you had a look at This plugin could be used as part of the build process. Then you could use the uncompressed Javascript files for development and then when the module is packaged, the Javascript and CSS files could be compressed.

And, AFAICS, this plugin uses standard Rhino (1.6R7). See
Hmmm... Don't know how they did that. I will look into it.

This would be useful for the (very large) JS dependencies in CForms (though, it could be argued that we should be bundling the already compressed version of Dojo and the other Cocoon JS files).

I, personally, would find something like this really useful as we have lots of code that we like to keep uncompressed for development, but compress at runtime.

What does everyone think? I don't mind coding this up (using just JSMin).

I'm not sure if it is really good idea to compress Javascript files at runtime.

I guess that depends (in part) on whether people generate javascript at run time. If so, then it would be useful to create this reader.

If you write the plugin, it would also be possible to reuse the yuicompressor-maven-plugin but not as Maven plugin but as a normal dependency. By doing it this way you wouldn't have to pull in any third-party code into our code base.

I don't follow this, can you elaborate?

A Maven plugin is just a JAR file that can be used as a normal dependency. The yuicompressor-maven-plugin already contains classes that can be used this way:


Provided that it's legally correct for an Apache project to depend on this code (needs to be checked before somebody starts to code!!!), this looks to be the simplest way to use a Javascript/CSS compressor.

OK, I think I get you. So we can use this plugin as a way of getting the YUI code without including it in Cocoon. Assuming there is interest in this project (of course).

Kamal Bhatt

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