Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Peter Hunsberger wrote:
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Reinhard Pötz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you talking about passing the input parameters as parameters of the
setup() method?

void setup(Map<String, Object> inputParameters)

I'd be fine by this.

I hate seeing Maps used as dumping grounds for randomly typed objects.
Could you use something that gives a little more strong typing?
Perhaps more like a ServletContext though I don't think I'd go that
far in this case?

I agree that strong typing would be great - but the pipeline api does not define any concrete key/object for the map. So this is use-case specific. Therefore I think a map is the best we can come up.

Trying to catch up on this discussion. What parameters are we talking about exactly? Are these pipeline parameters?

What's the need for that? Can't we just give the parameters they need individually to every pipeline component, thus allowing per-component strongly typed and well defined contracts?


Sylvain Wallez -

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