On 20.07.2008 14:17, Reinhard Pötz wrote:

First we should define the mission of this subproject.

Corona has two main goals:

 1. Become the best platform for RESTful services and
    RESTful web applications based on the concept
    of pipelines.

 2. Provide a generic pipeline Java API with SAX
    and STaX based default implementations.

We will need a one-sentence description anyway.
Then the appropriate name should fall out.

I lean towards "Fibre" or "Silk". However because it
might not be the pipeline API that Cocoon uses, then
perhaps some other type of fibre. For example,
"Kapok" - "a fine fibrous cotton-like substance
found surrounding the seeds of a tropical tree".
(Australian Oxford English Dictionary). The term
"Java Kapok" is used, but from my quick search
not in the software industry.

So my proposals are:
Apache Cocoon Kapok
Apache Cocoon Fibre

I tend towards Apache (Cocoon) Silk because it is short and easily pronounceable (in contrast to Fibre) and doesn't sound like Klingon (Kapok).

I don't know if we should add "Cocoon" to the name and have no strong opinion.

Is it THAT different that you don't consider calling it Cocoon 3.0 at all?


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