Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 20.07.2008 14:17, Reinhard Pötz wrote:
First we should define the mission of this subproject.

Corona has two main goals:

 1. Become the best platform for RESTful services and
    RESTful web applications based on the concept
    of pipelines.

 2. Provide a generic pipeline Java API with SAX
    and STaX based default implementations.

We will need a one-sentence description anyway.
Then the appropriate name should fall out.

I lean towards "Fibre" or "Silk". However because it
might not be the pipeline API that Cocoon uses, then
perhaps some other type of fibre. For example,
"Kapok" - "a fine fibrous cotton-like substance
found surrounding the seeds of a tropical tree".
(Australian Oxford English Dictionary). The term
"Java Kapok" is used, but from my quick search
not in the software industry.

So my proposals are:
Apache Cocoon Kapok
Apache Cocoon Fibre

I tend towards Apache (Cocoon) Silk because it is short and easily pronounceable (in contrast to Fibre) and doesn't sound like Klingon (Kapok).

I don't know if we should add "Cocoon" to the name and have no strong opinion.

Is it THAT different that you don't consider calling it Cocoon 3.0 at all?

The main concepts are the same (component based pipelines, sitemaps) but we didn't bother to implement them in a backwards-compatible way. Corona, as it is today, is more focused (see the list of main goals above that we had when we created Corona) and won't become a complete replacement for Cocoon 2.x in a foreseeable future.

                                  - o -

Before we make the decision if Corona should become Cocoon 3.0 we should learn more what other people think about it. (Currently it's only 3 people who are using it!) IMO the best way to find this out is by shipping alpha releases under a codename. This gives us the freedom to decide later without spoiling version numbers.

Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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