Hi All

On 21 Aug 2008, at 13:36, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Jeremy, I was thinking about this branch yesterday and I think you should branch whole 2.1 and commit your work to your branch.
With your help, I'd be happy to do this.

I've created a branch called "BRANCH_2_1_X-dojo1_1" based on latest version of 2.1 branch. It's your sandbox now and you can safely play around there without any risk of buildings someone's work or block any releases.

I have a question regarding how Dojo itself should be packaged.

In 2.1.11 (and maybe 2.2) Dojo is compiled into a Jar and served via resource://.
There is an Ant script in the Ajax block for building this.

While I have been working on 2.1.12-dev, I just made Dojo a 2.1-style block (src/blocks/dojotoolkit), for convenience.

I have scrupulously avoided patching the Dojo Release at all, but during development is was useful to have easy access to the source and sometimes add debug statements etc.

What I did have to do was to rebuild Dojo's CLDR resources (equivalent to i18n messages) to get the widest L10N support for number formatting etc. (approx 187 variants).

This fully-expanded dev-Dojo block (4126 files!!) is very convenient for anyone developing /CForms/ but maybe less convenient for people developing /with/ CForms and definitely no good for going into production.

I am confidant that between us, we can come up with a sound solution for making a minified, packaged Dojo, Ajax and CForms release optimised for production ..... but we still need a more complete version for viewing the samples etc.

But in the short term, what do people prefer?

My fully expanded Dojo as a block (every file in SVN), or as a Jar (a single file in SVN)?

Thanks for any suggestions

regards Jeremy

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